Yes, there may be some tubing changes or modifications required. In addition, the run capacitor and starting components should be changed in this type of replacement.
Stay within +/- 5% in capacity. If it is impossible to stay in that range, then opting for a smaller Btu/hr rating would be best.
Yes, there will be some tubing changes or modifications required. The mounting foot configuration will be different. In addition, the run capacitor and starting components should be changed in this type of replacement.
The only Start Assist Devices approved by Bristol Compressors is the type manufactured by Kickstart OEM Products.
We are developing and testing compressors for application to new refrigerant systems. The models that we develop are determined by the requirements of our customers. As other refrigerants are developed, we will develop compressors for use on those refrigerants.
No, Benchmark is a new evolutionary compression technology that is part of Bristol Compressors' product family.
Yes, approximately 40% of Bristol Compressors' sales are sold to customers outside of North America.
Yes, Bristol has a line of R404A compressors for low and medium temperature commercial application (*63* series).